I haven’t been free writing the way that I know I should be as of late. I need to get cracking on my next milestone toward NaNoWriMo, which is to enter a “Write To Win” contest sponsored by Writer’s Journal. The deadline is April 20th. I need to deliver a brilliant 1,500 word or less piece of fiction.
Last week, I free wrote starting with the opening phrase “He reached for…”, as suggested by the contest. The next thing I knew, the character of Wade was grappling a letter opener with a high anticipation of its contents.
It was postmarked from Sudan, where Maria is stationed with the Peace Corps. Maria has clearly made a major impression on Wade, during a single day’s meeting during Wade’s recent journey to Africa.
I just looked it up and Sudan is presently an inactive station for the Peace Corps. Intriguing plot line, perhaps?
Get writing, Ryan…