Chronicling my embarkation into my own personal world of writing. I do not have a destination in mind. My only hope is to make some sense of this compelling desire to create with words.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Regaining focus on writing

So I have written quite a great deal about how I wanted to make a big step forward with writing in 2007. I have to admit my focus on writing has plummeted in the last two months or so.

I have been spending some much energy and planning efforts on running and career that I have not locked myself in a room to start planning for NaNoWriMo as yet.

I think it is also harder in the summertime. Fact is that I am not a professional writer. I have a profession that consumes me. And I have a passion in running that costs me anywhere from 6 to 12 hours per week. And in the summertime, I have parties to attend and lots of daylight (and lots of lots of running).

This forthcoming week I will run 84 miles in seven days. That's probably about 11 hours of running - then add on change time, stretching, driving to and from runs, recovering and you're looking at 15-16 hours in the next week.

I committed to try NaNoWriMo in November. To do this, I need to have a clear outline constructed before November 1st comes. It's not that far away. I will carve out some time in the next month to start piecing together an outline. I will use tips and tactics learned in my recent writing course.

I hope to write about progress toward the early beginnings of an outline on here by end of August.

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