Chronicling my embarkation into my own personal world of writing. I do not have a destination in mind. My only hope is to make some sense of this compelling desire to create with words.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


I’m struggling to gain confidence in the direction of this short story that I started for the April 20th deadline. It’s April 12th and I’ll be busy running the Boston Marathon this coming Monday. I don’t have a lot of time.

I read the last issue’s winning story, which started with “The box was small, but…” The winning author immediately took that phrase into action. That’s my issue. I don’t think I have enough action so far.

I didn’t write a lick last night. I have tonight and Friday night. Sat and Sun nites are shot. Probably won’t write on Monday, since we’ll be in Boston. I have the plane rides in both directions. Then Tue, Wed and Thursday.

I was hoping to have more confidence and be in a better position with this project. Onward!

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